Segnette Field Stadium | Architectural Projects
Meyer Engineers, Ltd. designed this baseball stadium at the Alario Center Complex, complete with seating for approximately 750 people. The project also included a ticket office, a concession stand, and restroom facilities.
The installation of field lighting for the stadium was also provided, including eight 70-foot mounting height concrete poles with 1000-watt fixtures.
The project included construction of a foundation for a 650-foot-long, 12-foot-high owner-supplied advertisement outfield fence. The work also included providing an additional foundation and structural columns for a scoreboard and clock.
Infrastructure improvements to the site included a drop off lane with curb cuts along Segnette Boulevard for the stadium. The asphalt drop off lane is 12 feet wide and 250 feet long. Also included were waterline, sewerage line, and drainage improvements.
Substantial Completion Date: July 2002
Construction Cost: $2,000,000